2025 creative challenge
week 13 (#326)
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a collage or mixed media piece based on the image on the left [or above... depending on what device you are looking at this]. both digital and analoge works are welcome.
to download the image [after which you can print it if you don’t want to work digitally], please follow the link below
photo by
Tom Chadwick
please post your finished art work on Instagram with both #pariscollageclub in the caption and @pariscollagecollective in the image
#pariscollageclub + @pariscollagecollective
(if your collage goes unacknowledged for several days, please get in touch via Instagram direct message)
at the end of the week, a selection of the submitted images will be shared here
if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions for upcoming projects, please get in touch ︎ ︎