Paris Collage Collective [PCC] wants to connect both local and global artists on a more personal level than what is possible on social media platforms alone

through collaborations and creative projects we want to help build meaningful connections between likeminded people that go further than likes and shares

PCC is open to everyone, and not members only or invitation based

the people behind PCC live in Paris, hence the name, but we welcome all kinds of creatives from all walks of life and all corners of the world, not only collage or mixed media artists

we believe in mutual respect and support, and giving credit where credit is due. always!

we believe in diversity and openness

we value authenticity

we believe in creativity as a journey and learning with and from each other

we love cats

PCC is entirely self-funded and non-profit

by submitting work to PCC or using our hashtags, you grant us non-exclusive electronic rights to publish your work on our website and social media accounts. all other rights remain with the artist

we share new work daily on Instagram @pariscollagecollective

please use our hashtag #pariscollagecollective to be featured

individual collaborative projects might have their own hashtags. please check project descriptions for details

if you have ideas for collaborations or creative projects, or if you want to get involved with PCC, please get in touch via one of the many contact forms sprinkled generously all over our site or sign up for our newsletter
Paris Collage Collective [PCC] veut connecter les artistes locaux et internationaux à un niveau plus personnel que ce qui est possible sur les plateformes de réseaux sociaux

au travers des collaborations et des projets créatifs, nous voulons contribuer à la création de liens concrets entre des personnes partageants les mêmes idées, au delà des likes et des shares

PCC est ouvert à tous et pas uniquement aux membres ou sur invitation

l’équipe de PCC vit à Paris, d'où le nom, mais nous accueillons toutes sortes de créateurs de tous horizons et de tous les coins du monde, pas seulement des artistes de collage ou de techniques mixtes

nous croyons au respect et au soutien mutuel, et au mérite là où il est dû. toujours!

nous croyons en la diversité et en l'ouverture

nous valorisons l'authenticité

nous croyons en la créativité comme un voyage et un apprentissage individuel et partagé

nous adorons les chats

PCC est entièrement autofinancé et sans but lucratif

en soumettant une œuvre à PCC ou en utilisant nos hashtags, vous nous accordez des droits électroniques non-exclusifs pour publier votre travail sur notre site web et nos comptes de réseaux sociaux. tous les autres droits restent à l'artiste

nous partageons quotidiennement de nouvelles œuvres sur Instagram @pariscollageollective

merci d’utiliser notre hashtag #pariscollagecollective

des projets de collaboration supplémentaires peuvent avoir leurs propres hashtags. merci de vérifier la description des projets pour plus de détails

si vous avez des idées de collaborations ou de projets créatifs, ou si vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans PCC, veuillez nous contacter via l'un des nombreux formulaires de contact abusivement répartis sur notre site ou inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter


despite the name and our frequent use of us and we, Paris Collage Collective is actually a one-women labour of love. there are a couple of people contributing here and there, and there are a lot of people encouraging me, but the bulk of the work is done by only one person.

when I started this project, I had no idea where it was heading and what I was getting myself into. all throughout the first few weekly challenges, I was convinced that only a handful of people would join, and that the whole thing would die down within a month or two. now, after almost two years of PCC, and after nineteen months of our – yes our – weekly challenge, I still worry every time I try something new, but the overall feeling is one of relief, gratitude [cheesy, I know], awe, and yes, a little bit of pride too.

every week, you contribute up to 500 submissions to the challenge, and there are quite a few of you who do this faithfully every week. thank you

PCC is self-funded and non-profit. there are no ads and never will be. I am not trying to sell anything either. the aim of PCC was always to connect people, to encourage creativity, to inspire, and to allow people to learn from and with each other. there is power in numbers, but creative community isn’t always easy to come by.

however… running the challenges, updating the website, and looking for collaborations and opportunities take a lot, like a lot of time, and neither the website nor the URL come for free. so if you find any joy or inspiration here, please consider a small donation. buy us a coffee. a coffee and a croissant. a coffee and a chocolate croissant. maybe even a glass of wine... however much you can afford. it would mean more than you can imagine… thank you!

there are two options: you can donate via PayPal below, or, for a one time fixed fee, join our artist directory and become a supporting member [with all the bells and whistles: your own profile on the PCC website, 4-5 photos, your name, link to your website and social media profiles, artist bio and statement, etc.]

if you like what we do
buy us a coffee


PCC will never ever under any circumstances take payments to showcase an artist and their work, so don’t bother trying. there are no extras. no social media features. no artist promotions. nothing. nada. nix. you want to make it into [onto?] our Instagram feed? join the challenge!!! or use our general hashtag and hope for the best. making a donation or becoming a supporting member, even though very, very much appreciated, will not get you any preferential treatment either.


Are your challenges really free?

Yes, our challenges are absolutely free and open to everyone.

Can I submit more than one collage to the weekly challenge?

Yes, you can submit as many collages as you want.

What kind of collages do you accept?

We accept almost anything. Analog, digital, mixed media and other kinds of collages are welcome.

I discovered PCC’s weekly challenge just now. Is it too late to join?

Not at all. You can join any time.

I’m not sure I can commit to a weekly challenge. Can I participate only occasionally?

Of course. You don’t need to commit to anything. Just do the challenges you like.

Are your old image prompts still available?

Yes. The download links to old image prompts are available at the top of each individual page (here)

What do I need to do to become a member of PCC?

We are an open artist collective. There are no official membership statuses or requirements. Challenges and Open Calls are free and open to everyone. If you want to become a Supporting Member, you can however join our Artist Directory.

How do you choose the images prompts for the weekly challenge?

Our image prompts come from a variety of sources. They are always copyright free and can be downloaded directly from the site where they have been made available originally.

I’m a photographer and would like to collaborate with PCC. Are you interested in photo submissions to be used as weekly prompts?

Of course. We love to work with other artists. A reasonably sized version of your photo must be available for download from your own website, however.

What’s the difference between your two hashtags?

We started out with #pariscollagecollective as our main hashtag for general collages, and introduced #pariscollageclub for our weekly challenges later on.

By now, we have two Instagram accounts: one dedicated to #pariscollagecollective for collage and mixed media work in general @pariscollagecollective.ultd, and our original account for challenge submissions with #pariscollageclub @pariscollagecollective.

What type of collages do you share on Instagram?

That depends. On our feed, we try to share a representative collection of challenge collages submitted throughout the week. In stories we try to share all of them. If your challenge collage didn’t make it into either feed or story, we either missed it, or it didn’t show up under the hashtag. Both things happen occasionally. If that’s the case, please get in touch.

None of my collages have made it into your feed or story? Does that mean my work isn’t good enough?

Absolutely not! We are not the collage police! We don’t judge, and nothing is ever “not good enough.” If your work remains absolutely unacknowledged, meaning neither likes nor shares, we didn’t see your work. This could be because it is not showing under the hashtag – that happens very occasionally for no apparent reason – or because we simply missed it. We get hundreds of submissions every week and don’t catch everything. Please also keep in mind that if your account is set to private, we don’t see your collages at all, and that we can’t share work from private accounts either.

You liked my challenge submission but didn’t share it to stories. What happened?

If we liked it but didn’t share it, you probably have Resharing to Stories turned off, or your account is set to private.

I sent my collage via Direct Message but you didn’t share it? Why not?

If your collage is not posted on your own IG account, we are not able to share it to either feed or stories since we can’t credit you properly. If your collage is posted on your own account, you either have Resharing to Stories turned off, or your account is set to private.

Do you share weekly challenge submissions on your website?

Yes, we share a selection of submitted work on our website. You can find past challenge contributions here.

The image for the weekly challenge is different from what was on your website a while ago. What happened?

The original image was either no longer available for download or has been taken down after a copyright dispute.

The weekly challenge image has changed. I had already created a collage based on the previous image prompt, can I still post it?

Yes, you can still post it on your account with one or both our hashtags, but depending on why the original image was removed we might not be able to share your collage in neither feed nor story.

If I remember correctly, you used to share all weekly contributions on your website, but this isn’t the case anymore. What happened?

That’s true. For a long time we shared everything submitted to us on our website. We truly appreciate all the beautiful work created, and the idea was to give it a more permanent home than just IG.  But when weekly submissions reached 400, we realized that it’s no longer feasible to collect and add everything to our website. You can find our old challenges here.

I changed my Instagram name and now the links on your website don’t work anymore. Could you change them?

The short answer is NO. There are unfortunately too many people who change their IG names repeatedly, and we can’t keep going back fixing links. The long answer is MAYBE. If you have a good reason, ask nicely, know exactly where the broken links are, and if there aren’t too many, we will try our best to fix them. Once! No changing back later on!

I no longer want my work on your website. Will you remove it?

Of course. Just let us know, and we remove everything as quickly as possible.

Do you collect any data from artists, and if so, what do you do with it?

We don’t consciously or purposefully collect any data, but all digital interactions leave traces (we have your email address when you get in touch with us or subscribe to our newsletter, for example). You can find ourPrivacy Policy here.

Do you run paid artist promotions on your IG feed?

No, we don’t.

Do you do paid product advertisements or promotions on your website or IG feed?

No. We are an artist collective and are not interested in selling anything. We are, however, open to meaningful collaborations with relevant institutions or businesses.


PCC is an artist collective and entirely self-funded and non-profit. we have no advertising on our site and therefore strictly speaking not really a need for an elaborate privacy policy. but because you never know, and just to cover all the bases (or at least the ones we are aware of), we tried to come up with one nonetheless.


newsletter: if you sign up to receive our newsletter, you provide your name and email address. these are used solely for the purpose of said newsletter and nothing else. PCC will never share any of your personal information with any third parties. you can always unsubscribe by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of the newsletter. our newsletter service is provided by MailChimp. you can find their privacy policy here.

communication: if you contact us via email, either by writing to us directly or by responding to one of our newsletters, we will receive your email address and any other information you choose to provide. we will never use this information for anything other than responding to your email.

submissions: by submitting work to PCC or using our hashtags, you grant us non-exclusive electronic rights to publish your work on our website and social media accounts. all other rights remain with the artist. submissions are published on Instagram, our website or both. should you at any point no longer wish to be associated with PCC, we will do our best to remove your submissions from both Instagram and our website as quickly as possible.


PCC is hosted on the publishing platform Cargo. to collect statistical and analytical data we use Google Analytics. the information they kindly provide is anonymized and so incredibly complicated that no one ever looks at it. for more information on what exactly they collect and what they do with it, go here.


if you choose to donate to PCC - which is very much appreciated, thank you - you provide your name and payment card information to us and the financial service provider (PayPal) that handles these transactions. we will never share any of this information with third parties or use it for any other purpose than processing your donation. you can find PayPal’s privacy policy here.


we retain your personal information only as long as necessary (to respond to emails or as long as you wish to receive our newsletter). we may be required to retain information to comply with legal and regulatory obligations (if you made a donation).


PCC is based in Paris, France. we do, however, store and process some information outside France through third-party hosting services in the US and other jurisdictions (for example Google Analytics & PayPal - see above).


shamelessly adapted from Etsy (thank you) but apparently a GDPR requirement (that’s the EU General Data Protection Regulation. if you wonder what that is, go here): 

if you reside in certain territories, including the EU, you have a number of rights in relation to your personal information. while some of these rights apply generally, certain rights apply only in certain limited cases. we describe these rights below:

  • access. you may have the right to access and receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you by contacting us using the contact information below
  • change, restrict, delete. you may also have rights to change, restrict our use of, or delete your personal information. absent exceptional circumstances (like where we are required to store data for legal reasons) we will generally delete your personal information upon request
  • object. you can object to (i) our processing of some of your information based on our legitimate interests and (ii) receiving messages from us after providing your express consent to receive them. in such cases, we will delete your personal information unless we have compelling and legitimate grounds to continue using that information or if it is needed for legal reasons [makes perfect sense, right!?]
  • complain. if you reside in the EU and wish to raise a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local data protection authority


if you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email here ︎


COLLAGE SPAMOUFLAGE [our newsletter]

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© 2018-2024 Paris Collage Colletive