happy birthday to us


november 01, 2020

Margot de Korte

can you imagine it’ll soon be two years? on the 1st of November 2018 we posted the first collage on PCC, and as of writing this – a rainy day in early October – we made it to 2229 images shared and 92 weekly challenges accepted. but instead of dwelling on numbers, no matter how impressive they start to be… (imagine faux modest winking smiley emoji somewhere here), we want to thank everyone for being a part of this. thank you for keeping this community alive. for helping it to evolve. for showing up, sharing your work, and thereby encouraging others to do the same. for passing on your experiences and advice as well as questions and doubt.

our aim still is to be as inclusive as possible. we are unfortunately no longer able to collect all work created on our website – those impressive numbers mentioned above actually working against us – but we still try to share as much as (humanly) possible (and allowed by IG) on social media. apologies for all the collages, comments or messages we missed. we’re trying (raised hand emoji downcast eyes heart heart shooting star).

it’s been a crazy year (that felt more like a decade and doesn’t seem to want to end. ever!), and we hope our challenges and the community around it help a little to keep you grounded (if that’s what you need) or to escape from time to time (us).

unfortunately, all real life PCC events planned for this year had to be postponed, but we hope to be able to organize a whole lot of things for next year (broken heart praying hands sunflower sad face heart).

like last year, we are asking for a creative self-portrait for our birthday – digital, analogue, mixed media or all of the above. please post your finished collage on Instagram with a – if possible – equally creative introduction of yourself, and tell us what you love most about your creative life (thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up).

please tag your portraits with #pccbday2.

your collages – as always as many as possible – will be shared here, on our main Instagram account on our anniversary, and then for the rest of November on PCC.ultd

and last but not least (also copy and paste from here), a little reminder that PCC is self-funded and non-profit. running the challenges, updating the website, and looking for collaborations and opportunities take a lot, like a lot of time, and neither the website nor the URL (yes, it’s that time of the year again) come for free. so if you find any joy or inspiration here, please consider signing up for our Artist Directory or making a small donation. buy us a coffee. a coffee and a croissant. a coffee and a chocolate croissant. maybe even a glass of wine... however much you can afford. it would mean more than you can imagine… thank you!

(heart heart smiling poo beaming face with smiling eyes heart sunflower)

Emily Geirnaert

c’est notre anniversaire ! le 1er novembre 2018, nous postions notre premier collage sur Instagram. 2 ans plus tard et après plus de 2300 collages postés, nous souhaitions partager ce moment avec vous et vous remercier de faire partie de l’aventure PCC. merci à vous d’avoir aidé à faire de PCC une communauté vivante, merci à vous d’avoir aidé à faire évoluer cette communauté. merci pour avoir partagé votre travail et pour avoir encouragé les autres à faire de même. merci pour avoir partagé vos expériences, conseils, questions et doutes.

comme l’année dernière, nous vous proposons de réaliser un autoportrait original pour notre anniversaire (numérique, analogique, techniques mixtes ou les trois en même temps). en publiant votre collage sur Instagram n’hésitez pas à ajouter – si possible – une présentation de vous tout aussi originale en nous expliquant ce que vous aimez par-dessous tout dans votre vie créative.

pour être certain que nous ne rations aucun autoportrait, veuillez utiliser le hashtag: #pccbday2

comme d’habitude vos collages seront partagés sur notre site web (autant que possible), sur notre compteInstagram principal, puis pour le reste du mois de novembre sur PCC.ultd.

pour finir, un petit rappel : PCC est autofinancé et n’a aucun but lucratif. suivre les challenges hebdomadaires, mettre à jour et maintenir notre site web et rechercher des opportunités de collaboration prennent beaucoup de temps et ni le site web, ni l’URL ne sont gratuits. donc si PCC vous apporte du plaisir au quotidien ou de l’inspiration, pensez à vous inscrire à notre Annuaire des Artistes (Artist Directory) ou à faire un don. Merci



COLLAGE SPAMOUFLAGE [our newsletter]

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© 2018-2025 Paris Collage Colletive